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Гайд по ДК

Discussion in 'Гайды и F.A.Q' started by liqidator, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. liqidator

    liqidator Активный участник Пользователь

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    Чтобы начать выполнять ДК, нужно иметь 20 лвл и 5 тупых когтей Tigers22.
    Берём в ГД у Е Гуна (543;653) квест, идем к Вестнику поиска драконов (находятся в стартовых деревнях всех трех рас),удобнее всего в ГО или ГМ.
    Сдаем. Получаем у Вестника новый - Встреча с Искателем др. Выполняем. Получаем возможность выполнять ДК .

    Каждый ДК состоит из 10 подквестов:
    1. Осторожно, Скрытый Дракон (поговорить с NPC).
    2. Хвост дракона (принести определенное количество ДК-ресурсов (от 5 на ДК20+ до 25 на ДК91+).
    3. Воздушный Дракон (поговорить с NPC).
    4. Драконы-Близнецы (убить 40 мобов или откупиться).
    5. Дракон в поле (принести определенное количество ДК-ресурсов).
    6. Неуправляемые драконы (принести определенное количество ДК-ресурсов).
    7. Кающийся Дракон (поговорить с NPC).
    8. Шесть Драконов (принести определенное количество ДК-ресурсов).
    9. Играющий с Фениксом (поговорить с NPC).
    10. Дерущийся Дракон (в ДК20+ убить 10 мобов, в остальных - убить босса).
    Дальше выбираем ДК, в зависимости от того, какие знаки дракона больше надо (бронза,серебро,золото)Tigers15.
    И собственно сами ДК:

    Цю Ню (ДК20+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 5
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Плоть призрака, Мягкий мех, Порошок элементаля, Маска злодея, Усики, Бивень.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 13000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Сколопендра-меченосец (26) или Прах лучника (27) Количество:10
    Опыт: 15000
    Дух: 3200
    Знак: Бронзовый - 100%

    Я Цы (ДК31+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 10
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Когти призрака, Тупой коготь, Куски элементаля, Кожаная сумка, Медовая роса, Роса на траве.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 23000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Царь полосатых пауков (38) (570;539)
    Опыт: 24500
    Дух: 5200
    Знак: Бронзовый - 100%

    Чао Фэн (ДК41+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 10
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Кровь призрака, Острые когти, Камень элементаля, Слиток чистого золота, Таблетка росы, Багровая трава.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 37000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Небесный волк-одиночка (48) (376;819)
    Опыт: 36000
    Дух: 7500
    Знак: Бронзовый - 80%, Серебряный - 20%.

    Пу Лао (ДК51+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 15
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Глаз призрака, Кости зверя, Кристалл элементаля, Амулет призрака. Сильная кислота, Лазурное украшение.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 55000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Лев-кровопийца (57) (311;581)
    Опыт: 49500
    Дух: 10200
    Знак: Бронзовый - 70%, Серебряный - 30%

    Цзюнь Ни (ДК61+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 15
    Часто требующиеся ресурсы: Мягкое сухожилие, Яд, Пурпурный фарфор, Символ Инь-Ян, Маска призрака, Сущность элементаля.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 75000 (или 40 мобов – Башня ядовитого дерева, Летучая мышь-вампир)
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Демоническая мышь (66) (539;361);
    Опыт: 65000
    Дух: 13400
    Знак: Бронзовый - 60%, Серебряный - 40%

    Ба Ся (ДК71+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 20
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Броня проклятия, Зубы, Драгоценный алмаз, Чешуя призрака., Гладкие персики, Жгучий яд.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 100000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Зловещий глаз (71) (533;411), (542;481)
    Опыт: 84400
    Дух: 17300
    Знак: Золотой - 10%, Серебряный - 90%

    Сянь Чжан (ДК81+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 20
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Суп тетушки Мэн, Клыки, Сердце элементаля, Тотем фантома, Радующий глаз нефрит, Смертельный яд
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 150000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Ревущий лев-оборотень (87) (105;784), (220;734)
    Опыт: 110500
    Дух: 22600
    Знак: Золотой - 20%, Серебряный - 80%.

    Фу Чжи (ДК91+)

    Требуется ресурсов для подквеста: 25
    Требующиеся ресурсы: Вода из Желтого источника, Эликсир превращений, Сияние элементаля, Сокровище дома Гадеса, Плод женьшеня, Пять смертельных ядов.
    Драконы-близнецы - Платеж: 210000
    Дерущийся дракон - Босс: Соблазняющая душу сирена (89) (280;864)
    Опыт: 142500
    Дух: 29100
    Знак: Золотой - 30%, Серебряный - 70%.

    Кому не хватает дк ресов, берём идеалки (10 шт.) идём к Торговке Юн и меняем на жемчужину для задания дракона (закладка 7).
    Одна жемчужина даёт от 35 ресов (ДК51+) до 19 ресов (ДК91+) (закладки 3 и 4).
    Знаки меняем у Посланник с драконьим жетоном, на формы, петов, испытания и т.д.Tigers45.
    Aqualon likes this.
  2. Aqualon

    Aqualon Житель форума Пользователь

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    Идейный чел, позитивный.
  3. JaimeinAsy

    JaimeinAsy Guest

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  4. EdwinTooca

    EdwinTooca Новичок Пользователь

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    Another essential reason to switch to solar power may be the financial savings it gives. Solar energy panels are capable of generating electricity for businesses, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional resources of energy. This will probably lead to significant savings on energy bills, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. Furthermore, there are numerous government incentives and tax credits accessible to businesses that adopt solar power, which makes it much more cost-effective and affordable.

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  6. Charlesjew

    Charlesjew Новичок Пользователь

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  7. EdwinTooca

    EdwinTooca Новичок Пользователь

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    To start, simple sophistication is all about finding the right blend in between simplicity and style. Imagine tidy lines and a ageless image that never goes out of style.

    Let me plunge into shiny coatings. They're like fancy finishing which can make timber surfaces look really chic. Imagine how the illumination plays on these floors, turning your place into a super stylish showcase of contemporary design.

    For design enthusiasts, how does minimalist elegance add a touch of elegance to your places? Are you into the simple yet stylish vibe of glistening touches in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let's discuss about these trendsetting styles.

    By recognizing these construction general trends, we will get a look into how our style selections can change our living spaces. Join in the dialogue as we will consider the details of all fads and exactly how they determine the ways our residences appear and feel.|Yo design and style fanatics! Venture into the experience of hardwood floors, where we delve into recent fashion transforming our living spaces. Your hardwood floors are more than a strong footing; they hold the key to timeless elegance. One standout trend is the growth of inventive surface treatments, improving both the look and longevity in your flooring, bestowing a sustained facelift.

    let's dive into the heart of innovation and the blending of intelligent tech. Imagine floors that adapt to your lifestyle, responding to temperature fluctuations, giving you lighting options you can customize, and even informing you about potential maintenance tasks. It's a flawless mix of form and function, bringing a touch of the future to your home. Were you aware wooden flooring is not only beautiful but also beneficial to the environment? Wooden renews over time, transforming it into an environmentally conscious selection for eco-conscious homeowners. Plus, it can be refinished, prolonging its lifespan and cutting down on demand for a replacement. Join the conversation and share what's on your mind on these fascinating trends. Ready to lift your living environment with the enduring elegance and evolution in hardwood floor design?|Let's take a closer look at two important trends in wooden floorboards to the evergreen fascination of richly shaded wood and the inventive options with versatile patterns. Dark-hued timber flooring introduces a hint of modern sophistication and a dash of enigma to your living areas. Picture spaces brimming There's a touch of fanciness that makes them stand out., thanks to deep and opulent hues that craft a style that has broad appeal and modern atmosphere.

    Dive into the realm of inlaid and mosaic flooring options. and Introduce a spirited and symmetrical detail to enhance your interiors, giving a different view on providing a new outlook. From from classic to contemporary , Herringbone and geometric styles fuse regional and cultural contributions, forming living environments that captivate to a wide variety of inclinations. Let us know your perspective regarding the appeal of dark wood|Greetings to our thriving timber floorings community, where exchanges evolve into a wealthy cloth of thoughts and ventures. Step into the nucleus of this forum to explore the broad universe of wooden flooring. Whether you're an expert devotee or just initiating your path, our discussions tackle an variety of issues, supplying something for everyone. From the foundational choice between robust and fabricated wood to the intricate particulars of wood polishes, we urge you to submerge yourself in the different landscape of floor materials. Exchange your expertise on special options like acacia and Brazilian cherry or confer about the real-world applicability of water-repellent hardwood in everyday implementations. Take part in talks about the expressive elements of design, be it the geometric magic of parquet patterns or the weathered fascination of used wood. Our network thrives on the mutual wisdom of its participants, making this meeting place a go-to source for all things connected to floor materials. Become involved in us in celebrating the eternal beauty and everlasting charm of floor systems|One of Arizona's premier Skilled Hardwood Flooring Technicians is Making available Knowledgeable support in Revamping wooden flooring.

    We are thrilled to supply this precious solution to our audience. said Scarlett Martin, Our manager and advocate for Blackhawk Flooring, CO..

    White, a Authorized Patriotic Timber Floor and Engineered Oak Wood Floor AWCR Seasoned in the art of revitalizing wood floors., Emphasized the importance of evaluating hardwood floor coverings to find out The essential need for flooring makeover. The checkup process Affords experts the capability to spot Issues including Unideal moisture concentration during setup or Employing the inaccurate Cementing agents.

    There are numerous aspects that can lead to the damage of a wood floor, usually resulting from multiple causes. mentioned Harris, having accumulated years of valuable knowledge of job-related background and organized tuition. Having an individual exhibiting applied skills and structured coaching becomes vital.

    Blackhawk Flooring Store Assures shoppers that their scrutiny process will rigorously tackle the troubles raised by the client base without prejudice.

    We refrain from enter into a seeking for concerns with the ground, nor do we distort our results in support of one group ahead of the other, underscoredMartinez. The results we obtain are based on data, and we make an effort to collect complete data concerning the surface during the scrutiny

    Moreover, harnessing its mastery, Blackhawk Flooring has adopted green initiatives, currently using low-emission cements that are green, offering customers with a protected and more eco-friendly choice.

    The organization delivers a wide range of wares, including Solid Timber Floors, Manufactured Timber Floors, Reclaimed Wood, Wood Walls, High-end Vinyl Wood Floors, Top-quality Waterproof Floors, and further.

    Carter pointed out that the examination procedure, linked with Blackhawk Floors' wide-ranging hardwood flooring display area boasting over 796 samples, allows the company to scientifically establish the issues and their sources.

    The folks at Blackhawk Floors holds notable qualifications from the National Wood Flooring Association, including Certified Installer, Certified Sand & Finisher, and Certified Wood Flooring Inspector.

    delve into https://blackhawkfloors.com/privacy-policy/

    <a href="https://blackhawkfloors.com/wood-flooring-offering-lots-of-options-for-your-floors/">Including Wood in Comfortable Holiday cottage Designs: An Cozy and Charming Aesthetic</a> 2_3e52d
  8. EdwinTooca

    EdwinTooca Новичок Пользователь

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    For starters, streamlined style is all about finding the right blend anywhere between simplicity and fanciness. Consider straight lines and a amazing appearance that never goes out of fashion.

    Why don't we plunge into shiny coatings. They can be like stylish finishing that makes wooden floors look really cool. Imagine how the illumination plays on these floors, turning your place into a super cool showcase of contemporary design.

    For the fans, how does minimalist elegance add a touch of charm to your areas? Have you been into the simple yet stylish vibe of glistening touches in your choice of flooring? Share your thoughts and let's chat about these trendsetting styles.

    By comprehending these design general trends, you can get a view into the way our style choices can transform our living spaces. Be a part of the conversation as we consider the the inner workings of these general trends and just how they shape the way our homes appear.|Hey construction fanatics! Engage in the domain of engineered flooring, where exploration takes place current trends altering our living quarters. Your engineered floors are more than a strong footing; they are the gateway to timeless sophistication. One standout trend is the rise of innovative finishes, boosting both the appearance and life expectancy of your floors, giving them a lasting makeover.

    let's dive into the heart of innovation and the integration of smart technology. Picture floors adjusting to your way of life, modifying with temperature adjustments, presenting customizable lighting alternatives, and even informing you about potential maintenance tasks. It's an ideal combination of visual appeal and practicality, adding a hint of innovation to your residence. Did you know real wood floors are not just aesthetically pleasing but also good for the environment? Real wood renews over time, opting for its eco-friendly features for eco-conscious homeowners. Also, the option for refinishing is available, increasing its longevity and decreasing the demand for a replacement. Participate in the talk and communicate your viewpoints on these captivating patterns. Ready to elevate your living space with the timeless charm and innovative developments in hardwood flooring?|Let's take a closer look at two significant trends in hardwood surfaces as well as the ageless enchantment of wood with a dark finish and the imaginative potential with multifaceted designs. Deep-toned wood flooring introduces a hint of contemporary elegance and a subtle sense of mystery to your living quarters. Picture spaces brimming They have a touch of fanciness that makes them stand out., thanks to deep, rich tones that develop a style that's universally stylish and contemporary feel.

    Dive into the realm of inlaid and mosaic flooring options. and Infuse a delightful and geometric element to your indoor spaces, bringing a fresh interpretation on presenting a unique angle. From covering the spectrum from classic to modern , Zigzag and mosaic designs combine regional and cultural inspirations, crafting living areas that attract to a broad selection of tastes. Share your opinions regarding the appeal of dark wood|Participate in our prosperous gathering place committed to the intricately designed sphere of hardwood flooring, where each exchange is an prospect to dive deeper into the grace and skill that identifies this timeless flooring choice. From time-tested to latest, each hardwood sort has a unique and special narrative waiting to be exposed. Involve in talks about the benefits and disadvantages of diverse polishes, whether you opt for the muted nuance or the shiny shine. Discover the unfolding of parquet patterns and their significance in elevating interior design. Contribute your experiences with reused again wood, contributing to the discussion on to the everlasting dialogue about green practices and legacy. Whether you're zealous about old-fashioned magic or progressive styles, our community is the setting to bond kindred individuals, cultivating a community that commemorates the timeless charm of floor materials.|A top top-quality Skilled Hardwood Flooring Technicians is Commencing Proficient in support in Modernizing timber floor aesthetics.

    We are so elated to offer this helpful facility to our shoppers. said Brayden Wilson, This CEO and advocate for Blackhawk Flooring, CO..

    Harris, a Approved Domestic Wood Floor and Red Oak Wood Floor AWHAP Well-versed in the art of upgrading and enhancing wood floors., Showcased the relevance of determining engineered flooring to specify The pressing need for floor rejuvenation. The examination procedure Allows for expert identification Facets such as Mistaken humidity content through installing or Using the wrong Binding substances.

    There are various elements that can cause the harm of a wood floor, usually stemming from varied causes. recognized Miller, possessing a rich history of years in the industry of vocational experience and systematic coaching. Acquiring an individual having practical expertise and official coaching is crucial.

    Black Hawk Engineered Flooring Undertakes customers that their review process will completely attend to the problems raised by the client base without partiality.

    We steer clear of involve a seeking for difficulties with the flooring, nor do we twist our discoveries in favor of one party involved across from the other, highlightedWhite. Our findings are data-driven, and we strive to amass comprehensive particulars regarding the floor during the inspection

    Besides, applying its specialized skills, the company utilizes eco-friendly methods, in the here and now employing non-VOC attachers that are green, giving consumers with a secure and green pick.

    The company gives a broad variety of wares, including Solid Timber Floors, Composite Wood Flooring, Salvaged Wood, Wood Walls, Luxury Vinyl Wood Flooring, Top-quality Waterproof Floors, and added selections.

    Walker emphasized that the inspection process, combined with Blackhawk Floors' vast wooden floor presentation room boasting more than 784 specimens, lets the business to scientifically decide the concerns and their causes.

    The folks at Blackhawk Floors has respected accreditations from the National Wood Flooring Association, such as but not limited to Certified Installer, Certified Sand &amp;amp; Finisher, and Certified Wood Flooring Inspector.

    inspect closely https://blackhawkfloors.com/how-can-i-make-my-wood-flooring-stay-looking-great/

    <a href="https://blackhawkfloors.com/why-wood-flooring-is-ideal-for-people-prone-to-different-types-of-allergies/">Picking Flooring that Combines Style with Practicality that Suits Your Lifestyle</a> 8cb8950

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